Installation » Installation problems
I have problems with my feedback form.
Some servers are very restricted in using of feedback forms within a script. If you get a server error or a blank site after using the feedback form of the pixel script, it could be, that your server do not allow feedback scripts, which are named "feedback.php" or "contact.php". In that case, you need to rename those file to make it possible to use it.To rename it, you need to do some changes in the following files and of course rename the file feedback.php to i.e. feba.php.Replace the bold word "feedback" in these files with "feba": footer.php(23): $TMP['%[MENU_FEEDBACK]%'] = ($CONFIG['menu_feedback']) ? ' | <a href="feedback.php'.$trackpage.'" class=m>'.$_SP[67].'</a>' : '';header.php(66): $TMP['%[MENU_FEEDBACK]%'] = $CONFIG['menu_feedback'] ? ' | <a href="feedback.php'.$trackpage.'" class=l>'.$_SP[34].'</a>' : '';langengetend.htm(25): In case you have any questions or problems, please contact us through the <a href="feedback.php" target="_blank">feedback form</a>.langensubmiterror.htm(15): Should this error still persist,<br> then drop us a <a href="feedback.php">Feedback</a>.[...and also in the other language directories the respective files...]See also:
Warning: mail(): SMTP server response: 553 Requested action not ...
Problems with sending mails from feedback or Tell-A-Friend form? ...Emails Take up to 2 Days for delivery
Last update: 2006-02-03 03:02
Author: Markus
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