Grids » Grid integration in other websites

How to integrate a pixel grid into another website

You can integrate any pixel grid into other websites, nevertheless if they are on the same domain or on others, if they are your own websites or not.
This offers great possibilities to export grids or grid banners, which brings more traffic and increases the worth of your pixel grids.

Each grid is made of one image and an image map with the links and descriptions on it.
You can integrate this small code into another website by simply copy and paste it on the preferred place. You will find the respective code of each grid in the main menu  grids by clicking on code in the grid you want to export.

admin.gif GRIDS arrow_2.gif CODE arrow_2.gif Select and copy the code from the top field

tip_1.gifThis is especially interesting with banner grids. We recommend to use this feature, it will really bring more traffic and forces the visitors to come to your website.

Last update: 2006-01-19 23:52
Author: Markus

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