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I want to offer normal bank transfer as a payment method.
You can add your bank account informations as normal text under the other payment methods. Follow the steps:
- Login to the administration area / Edit / Edit Templates
- Choose the template "getend"
- If you want to add your bank account informations under the other payment methods (if you choosed) go to the lines
Please choose one of the following payment methods.<br>
</b><br><br><font color="#E1EBF4">
- Add now your bank account informations (i.e.)
Please choose one of the following payment methods.<br>
</b><br><br><font color="#E1EBF4">
<br><font color="#000000">My bank account informations</font>
- Save the template. Done.
Notice! If you want to activate a payment method, you simply have to put in your account information (payment email or ID) within the scripts admin under control.
Last update: 2006-01-19 23:10
Author: Christian
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