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How to create an extra menu item/page in the header which I can also edit as template via the control area?

Create a simple text file with a text editor on your local computer. Put this in this file:

<table class="content">
<tr><td><table width=100%><tr><td class="content" valign="top">
   Your text
</td><td valign="top" class="rightcontent">
<!-- PLACE FOR ADS --->



Save it under the name you want without spaces i.e. as business_news.htm and upload it to the servers folder lang/en and if you are using other languages, also in these folders. Make it writable by chmod 777 (like you did with the files in these folders on installation).
Create another simple text file on your local computer and put this in the file:

print template($LANGDIR.'business_news.htm',$TMP);

(See the name of your first file in it: business_news.htm). Save it i.e. as "business_news.php" (see the extension: .php, not .htm) and upload it to your servers main folder (where also the files index.php, blog.php etc. are located. Do NOT use a same name and do not overwrite them).

Go to your control area of the script:

admin.gif EDIT arrow_2.gif EDIT TEMPLATES arrow_2.gif Select header

and put a new link in the place you want to have it like this:

<a href="business_news.php" class=m>Business News</a>

Save it.
Now you can access to that page via the script sites menu main page and edit the file over the

admin.gif EDIT arrow_2.gif EDIT TEMPLATES arrow_2.gif Select Business News

Tip: You can copy and paste the text from here to put it into your text files or download the sample files and rename them.

attached files: new_menu_item.zip

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Last update: 2006-02-06 22:56
Author: Markus

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