Trouble shooting
Database Error: Access denied for user: 'user@localhost' (Using password: YES) DB_query() fehlgeschlagen!
If you get this error when installing your script, you put in the wrong mysql informations. Either your mysql-username or your mysql-password is wrong. Please check and compare with the informations from your hosting company. If you do not know your mysql-usernamen or mysql-password, please ask your provider.
If you get this error someday and the site run before without problems, you probably have changed your mysql-password or mysql-username in your hosting account. Right?
If you change this, you need to change it within the script, too. To do this, login to your server via FTP and go to the directory
incs and download the file config.php to your computer. Edit it with a simple text editor like notepad and change the respective data (i.e. mysql username or mysql password or other). Save it and upload it as text file back to your server. If that don't work, recheck your mysql data and compare it with the data of your hosting account. If you do not know your mysql-usernamen or mysql-password, please ask your provider.
Last update: 2006-02-03 18:05
Author: Markus
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